Saturday, February 12, 2011

Angels among us

A couple of nights ago, I was cuddling with our oldest and talking about her day.  While she was sitting with me, Moroni had changed Violet's diaper and had left her on the floor to play.  Ellie then wanted to get up and show me something from school not knowing that Violet was placed on the floor.  She was bouncing away and like a train wreck you see it coming and there is nothing you can do about it.  Ellie was about to step right on Violet.  I couldn't get the words out fast enough and as I watched what was playing out before me a miracle happened.  Ellie's foot that was just about to go directly on Violet's stomach moved so it went right next to Violet's feet.  Finally the words escaped me and I was able to tell Ellie that Violet was on the floor.  We were both very upset.  Ellie starting crying and saying she didn't know she was there.  I starting crying because I knew I had witnessed a miracle.  I knew with all my heart that the only explanation for how our little 10 day old was not stepped on was that an Angel must have moved Ellie's foot at the last minute.  It was an over-whelming experience.  I still get teary-eyed talking about it.  I am so grateful for the little miracles that happen everyday, and I am so grateful for these moments that I get to witness.

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